Sunday, September 14, 2014

Magical Moment

Di sebuah resto di San Francisco, ada seorang konsultan yang heran melihat keramaian Chinese Restaurant Lie Po. Dia mencoba makan disana pada sebuah siang yang ramai sekali.

Pelayan dengan ramah melayaninya dengan bahasa Inggris yang masih saja tidak fasih, sang konsultan memesan “Orange Chicken with rice”, dan meminta minuman “Coke Zero”. Pelayan berkata: “Maaf, kami kontrak dengan Pepsi, dan tidak menjual produk Coca Cola. Apakah dapat kami tawarkan Diet Pepsi?” Sang konsultan menolak, dan meminta air putih saja.

Ketika dia sedang makan, tiba2 ada seorang berpakaian rapi membawa “Coke Zero” dan es batu, dan menaruh didepan pelanggan itu dan berkata sambil tersenyum “Tadi anda menginginkan Coke Zero kan? Ini untuk anda.”

Sang konsultan meminum dengan puas dan memanggil pelayan yang tadi melayaninya. Pelayan datang dan tersenyum melihat Coke Zero ada disana, dan berkata: “ Nah sudah ada minuman kesukaan Bapak kan?”

Pelanggan: “ Tadi katanya tidak ada? Ini kok ada?”
Pelayan: “ Benar, baru saja kami belikan di pasar swalayan seberang.”

“Restoran lagi ramai, siapa yang membelikan?”
“Manager kami, dia tidak terlalu sibuk dibelakang.”

“Lho, katanya kontrak dengan Pepsi?”
“Ya, kalau menjual Coke Zero tidak boleh, kalau memberi gratis, saya kira masih boleh.” Jawabnya sambil tersenyum.

Memberi pelayanan yang baik adalah hal yang umum, dan dilakukan semua perusahaan, memberikan hal yang lebih, yang tidak terduga bisa, menjadi kunci sukses dijaman ini. Ciptakan “Magical Moment”, saat2 ajaib yang luar bisa, yang memberikan impresi luar biasa, yang akan selalu diingat oleh pelanggan anda, sehingga dia akan setia pada perusahaan anda, dan merekomendasikan produk anda kepada orang lain.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

10 Guides for the Year 2000 and beyond.

WOW-projects, obsessions, the love that was tainted with insanity!
YOU GOTTA WANT IT BAD ENOUGH and Heaven Forgive! YOU WILL FIND A WAY TO GET IT. Passion is the SINGLE most important factor in any type of SUCCESS! If you do not have it, forget it, do your regular work -- which will usually amount to nothing special.

In the crazy times like this, it requires the crazy attitudes to succeed. To break the barrier, to try something different and special. To WOW! and to destruct. The time of revolution. A creative approach toward business (and LIFE!) is more important now than ever. And believe me, INNOVATIONS are in very short supply, so if you do GET IT, go BANG!

3. ***** BE DISTINCT.
The new millennia needs a Distinct Brand You, something special. Do you have it? Can you explain why YOU (and not your friends or competitors) SHOULD SUCCEED? The world is insanely competitive, “me-too” products and services are all over the place. If you are not DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT and INSANELY GREAT, you will get nowhere fast. The Marketplace does not need anything usual, but it cries out for that SPECIAL SOMEONE or SOMETHING that can deliver EXCELLENCE, and nothing less that that.

**Dive in, Head First, Eyes Wide Open**. The era of READY-SHOOT-AIM is here to stay. Time is sliced into nanoseconds and we are always at the deadline! Decisions cannot wait, and you’ve got to do it now, do it fast and move on. Things change in real-time, we manage in real-time. There is no place for reconsideration and rethinking. Time is sacredly valuable, it is YOUR MOST PRECIOUS CAPITAL. Be stingy about it. **Good things come to those who relentlessly pursue them. Waiting is for bus stops.** (Mario Vittone). Take initiative, be proactive, JUMP IN NOW !

We always have problems, difficulties and the minors of any services, let it be solved the best way by them, WE FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIES, we seek the 10 times way to do things better, incrementalism is a goner, jump-start is in! We create a new way of doing business, we seek a striking change to do things W-A-Y BETTER! Do not waste our precious energy (even when we have that animalistic energy in our vein, save it!) on mundane and trivial things. Focus!

Friends, friends, friends, the best WEAPON one can have in the path toward success. We have to grow our network, our friends, our chain of links. There is professionalism, there is ability, skill, hard works, but still the FRIENDS that will help you when you need some help (and believe me, every so often you WILL NEED THEM!). Sweetness and willingness are the keys. Mutual benefit, mutual trust. We need them and they need us. Grow your network religiously.

7. ***** LEARNING.
I hate people who are too LAZY TO LEARN, it sucks! What are they thinking? The world stands still? EVERY SECOND, new inventions emerge, new technologies evolve, and NOBODY can have enough. LEARN, LEARN, LEARN. By PRIORITY, by PASSION. The world is now an open book, what it really need is only OUR APPETITE to digest it.

8. ***** GO INTERNET.
Yes, the net changed the world of business with more force than the rock that offed the dinosaurs. YOU GOTTA BE INVOLVED, now! As of 01.01.00, today, we only know about 2 percent of what we can do with it (says Jeff Bezos). What will happen when that 98% prevails? Do you really think you are not going to get involved in the Internet in your future? ARE YOU SURE? Now is the next best time to get our feet wet (the best time was five years ago!), our head wet, and our soul wet. Gotta do it! Now! Bet your future (and LIFE) into it.

9. ***** HAVE FUN!
Life is already too bitter, too grey, too scary to live by. Yet we want to LIVE OUT LOUD, so FUN is mandatory! With the war among the frighteningly smart, the wacky brilliance, the guys with the animal energy, the monumentally impatience, we GOTTA HAVE FUN when we FIGHT ahead. Sometimes even the best is not good enough, so fail if we must (at least we tried!), and we have all the FUN along the way. THAT relieves me.

What has to be done today, has to be done today. Tomorrow has its own worries, its own works and its own projects. DO IT TODAY, DO IT NOW! Do Not Delay!

Life at the fast lane is sometimes exhilarating, but always exhausting. Only PASSION is likely to see us through the 18-hour day, month after month, and the painful mistakes that are part and parcel of the success process.
I wish you all success and happiness in the year 00 and beyond.

(repost, Bali, 1 Januari 2000)